Doctoral Theses
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Insights on adsorptive and catalytic water remediation using metal chalcogenides and bismuth based nanomaterials
(Department of Physics University of Calicut, 2024)Water pollution has recently garnered increased attention due to its severe negative impacts on life and the planet's ecosystem. Given the essential role of water in sustaining a healthy life, sourcing clean freshwater ... -
Evolution of collective behaviour among thorium nuclides spanned between the drip lines
(Department of Physics. University of Calicut, 2024)The study of atomic nuclei is important in the context of in a wide variety of applications, In particular, nuclear energy, nuclear medicine, and trace element analysis etc. also, it is relevant in the context of ... -
Study of heavy ion induced fission in a lighter actinide 227Pa using NAND facility
(Department of Physics University of Calicut, 2024)Over the decades of intense studies in the fission of actinide nuclei, it has been established that the fragment mass distribution is asymmetric at lower excitation energies (E*). The macro- microscopic model describes ... -
Studies on Magnetoelectric-Multiferroic Properties of Bi-substituted Co 2 MnO 4
(Department of Physics, University of Calicut., 2009) -
X-ray studies of the Moon
(Department of Physics, University of Calicut., 2010) -
Study of mathematical models of radiotherapy
(Department of Physics, University of Calicut., 2008) -
Investigations on the applications of dynamical instabilities and deterministic chaos for speech signal processing
(Department of Physics, University of Calicut., 2008) -
Monte Carlo Simulations of the High Energy X-ray Spectrometer (HEX) on Chandrayaan-I
(Department of Physics University of Calicut, 2010) -
Design Optimisation and Testing of SSM on ASTROSAT and Study of X-ray Transients
(Department of Physics University of Calicut., 2011) -
Design and development of devices for radiation dosimetry
(Department of Physics, University of Calicut, 2008) -
Investigations on gamma ray interactions using 137 CS gamma rays
(Department of Physics, University of Calicut, 2003) -
Studies on the channeling of fast particles through crystals
(Department of Physics University of Calicut., 2007) -
Studies on X-ray Interactions near K-edge using 241 Am source and Proton Induced X-ray Emission(PIXE)
(Department of Physics University of Calicut., 2007) -
Screening Potential and Bound State Properties in Strongly Coupled Quark Gluon Plasma
(Department of Physics, University of Calicut., 2021) -
Structure study of exotic nuclei using cluster models
(Department of Physics University of Calicut, 2017) -
Studies on propagation and interaction of multi-solitons in inhomogeneous optical systems
(Department of Physics University of Calicut, 2018) -
Growth and physical property studies of some biologically important crystals
(Department of Physics, University of Calicut., 2019) -
Studies on graphene-perovskite LaFeO3 interface
(Department of Physics University of Calicut, 2018) -
Studies on dose delivery errors and quality assurance methods using Volumetric Modulated high energy X-rays from Linear Accelerator
(Department of Physics, Farook College, 2018) -
Studies on galaxy evolution : morphology- population connection
(Department of Physics University of Calicut, 2018)