Enhancing the quality of life of the elderly in residential care feasibility of a risk management and strengths based intervention
The increasing population of the elderly all over the world, coupled with a shifting
social dynamic that no longer places the family as the primary caregiver, calls for
improved aged-care systems in the community. This has led to a surge in alternative
agencies of caregiving, like Elderly Care Homes. This study explores the prevalent
risks in residential Elderly care Homes in Thrissur District of Kerala, and the
feasibility of a risk management and strengths-based intervention to enhance the
quality of life of the elderly in residential care. In the first phase of the study, a
comprehensive risk assessment was carried out in 62 care homes. A scoping review
was carried out to explore how the quality of life of the elderly is affected by risk
factors. In the second phase, using a pre-test post- test comparison model, an
interventional study was carried out with the residents in one elderly care home as
the experimental group and the residents in another home as the comparison group.
The intervention module was prepared using a risk management and strengths-based
approach, and the quality of life of the residents was measured by the
WHOQOL100 tool.
The first phase of the study identified 19 most common risk factors in the residential
care homes. It was observed that while care homes largely adhered to basic safety
protocols, risks associated with quality of life were not managed on a priority basis.
In the second phase, the total Quality of Life index in the experimental home
increased from 3.28 before the intervention to 4.19 after the intervention, with
significant increases in all the 6 domains of the WHOQOL. The QoL values for the
comparison group in the same time period, showed a slight decline. The study
concludes that a risk management and strengths-based intervention is feasible in
residential care homes for the elderly and proves that it is effective in enhancing the
quality of life of the elderly in residential care.
- Doctoral Theses [586]