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dc.contributor.advisorShahanas Beegam, P.P.
dc.contributor.authorAlikutty, T.P.
dc.contributor.otherDepartment of Commerce MES Mampad College (Autonomous). University of Calicut.en_US
dc.description.abstractThe tourism industry stands out as a vital economic engine, driving revenue generation, job creation, and income growth. Recognized for its dynamic nature, tourism is often hailed as one of the fastest-growing sectors globally. Kerala has made its way to the top of the tourism industry in the country as well as the entire world by encouraging its people to venture and is a role model for substance use. One of these initiatives that have transformed this sector in Kerala is the adoption and practice of Responsible Tourism. These initiatives have not only improved the sustainability of the tourism undertakings but also led to positive social and economic changes in the area In the case of Kerala, the indigenous people have always been left out when it comes to the planning, proofing and development of tourist places and sub-products. This shift provoked locals to opine that tourism is solely a business for rich people which is why they choose to disengage themselves from it Responsible tourism covers the various marketing strategies and activities that seek to make tourism more ethical and sustainable. It aims to decrease negative social, economic, and environmental impacts and increase the advantages that local people have and their general wellbeing While there has been a great deal of studies on tourism, there are not many studies on responsible tourism. The necessity of the current research is self evident, as it aims at evaluating responsible tourism and its role on the socio-economic development of the state of Kerala. This study addresses the gap by conducting systematic enquiry into responsible tourism in Kerala through collecting primary data. At best, it would purely be an expression of expectation and positive thinking seeking practical assessment of processes and effects no matter how plausible would be responsible tourism efforts in the state. The purpose of this study is therefore to address this shortcoming byexploring the perceptions and experiences of various stakeholders on the impact of responsible tourism in Kerala and providing empirical evidence based on responsible tourism. This study aims to assess the impact of demographic factors on the choice and development of various forms of Responsible Tourism (RT) in Kerala, investigate the determinants of occupational preferences among participants in Responsible Tourism, analyze wage differences within the sector, and identify the key determinants of wages. Additionally, it seeks to examine the level of community participation in Responsible Tourism and the factors influencing this involvement, evaluate the impact of Responsible Tourism on community development in Kerala, and assess its overall effectiveness in improving the socio-economic conditions of the local community. This research work provides a stakeholder-oriented evaluation of the perception and handling of responsible tourism practices in the state through comprehensive understanding of the various target stakeholders. The results of this study can also guide policymakers at the state level, as well as other community stakeholders in Kerala and elsewhere in devising strategies which are more sustainable and equitable in nature. Moreover, knowing what is effective and what factors determine effectiveness, as well as which areas can be improved, the study provides a base for the subsequent studies and strategies that aim at maximizing the effectiveness of responsible tourism practices in the state of Keralaen_US
dc.description.statementofresponsibilityAlikutty, T.P.en_US
dc.format.extent239 p.en_US
dc.publisherDepartment of Commerce MES Mampad College (Autonomous). University of Calicut.en_US
dc.subjectResponsible Tourismen_US
dc.subjectOccupational Preferencesen_US
dc.subjectCommunity Participationen_US
dc.subjectForms of Responsible Tourismen_US
dc.subjectResponsible Tourism Unitsen_US
dc.titleEffectiveness of responsible tourism and its influence on socio economic development of Keralaen_US

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