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dc.contributor.advisorMumthas N S
dc.contributor.authorHimna P A
dc.contributor.otherFarook Training College Research Centre in Educationen_US
dc.description.abstractThe school environment is inherently diverse, encompassing students facing various challenges like learning difficulties, economic disparities, and parental emigration. Active parental involvement significantly impacts academic success, particularly noting the positive influence of fathers. Emigrant fathers' absence can leave students vulnerable, affecting their academic outcomes, especially in regions like Malappuram with significant emigration rates. The study aims to understand factors of academic resilience among secondary school students with emigrant fathers in Malappuram. Academic resilience is defined as succeeding academically despite adversity. Specifically, it examines learner and home-related factors, categorizing them into risk and protective factors. The study surveys 560 secondary students in Malappuram, dividing them into groups based on fathers' emigration status. Statistical analyses, such as chi-square tests and binary logistic regression, have revealed significant findings. Extrinsic academic motivation and negligent parenting style significantly affect academic resilience among students with emigrant fathers. Protective factors like academic self-efficacy, cognitive and behavioural academic engagement, intrinsic academic motivation, peer relationship, social competence, authoritative parenting style and home environment play crucial roles on academic resilience. Intrinsic academic motivation, peer relationship and home environment emerge as key predictors of academic resilience among these students. Educational implications suggest addressing risk factors such as extrinsic academic motivation and negligent parenting style while strengthening protective factors like academic self- efficacy, cognitive and behavioural academic engagement, intrinsic academic motivation, peer relationship, social competence and home environment. The study provides valuable insights for educational interventions, emphasizing the importance of fostering intrinsic academic motivation and peer relationship and providing supportive home environment to mitigate the impact of father emigration on academic outcomes.en_US
dc.description.statementofresponsibilityHimna P Aen_US
dc.format.extent336 p.en_US
dc.publisherFarook Training College Research Centre in Educationen_US
dc.subjectAcademic Resilienceen_US
dc.subjectsecondary school students with emigrant fathersen_US
dc.subjectMalappuram district learner and home related factorsen_US
dc.subjectRisk and Protective factorsen_US
dc.titleFactors affecting academic resilience among secondary school students with emigrant fathers in Malappuram districten_US
dc.description.degreePh Den_US

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