The study of boundary representations and hyperrigidity of operator spaces and operator Systems.
OPERATOR SPACES AND OPERATOR SYSTEMS”. The thesis begins with a chapter surveying the
literature and describing the structure of the thesis. This is followed by a chapter setting up
the necessary preliminaries about C*-algebras and CP-maps. It also summarises well-
understood work on boundary representations and hyper-rigidity. The main results of the
thesis are contained in the next three chapters. In Chapter 3, the main objects of study are
the notions of weak boundary representations and quasi-hyper-rigidity originally introduced
by Namboodiri, Pramod, Shankar and Vijayarajan. It is shown that weak boundary
representations for operator systems in unital C*-algebras are characterised by their
amplifications also being so. This implies that the corresponding result for quasi-hyper-
rigidity of operator systems holds. Chapter 4 first characterises boundary representations of
operator spaces through that of their associated Paulsen systems and thereby shows that
the term “boundary” is a natural one. We proved that there is a one to one correspondence
between boundary representations of the operator space with that of the Paulsen system.
Subsequently weak boundaries for operator spaces are also introduced and studied, again
generalising from weak boundaries of operator systems. Finally rectangular hyper-rigidity
for operator spaces in ternary rings of operators is introduced and a finite-dimensional
version of Saskin’s theorem is proved. In Chapter 5, the notion of a non-commutative
Choquet boundary is introduced for some spaces of unbounded operators and even more
generally for locally C*-algebras and an analogue of Arveson’s extension theorem is
established. Then the unique extension property and boundary representations are
introduced in this generality and studied with appropriate examples. The last chapter
concludes with a well-written summary of the thesis and poses several interesting questions
for future work.
- Doctoral Theses [24]